About DoKURA

Working together to advocate for the unrepresented.

We advocate on behalf of the unincorporated areas of the Kenora District without prejudice in a fair and equitable manner. We help to give a voice to 25,000 permanent and seasonal residents who do not live in either a municipality or indigenous community.

DoKURA Area map

DoKURA represents the interests of of over 25,000 permanent and seasonal residents who reside outside the organizaed municipalities and First Nation communities in the unincorporated territories in the southern portion of the District of Kenora in Northwest Ontario.

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Our board members, who all reside in the DoKURA area, lobby senior level government on issues impacting unincorporated residents. What impacts the people we serves, impacts us, too.

Services Board

We have four seats on the Kenora District Services Board (KDSB). The KDSB offers services that benefit the district as a whole including unincorporated residents. We are able to provide the perspectives of unincorporated residents and ensure that they have access to valuable resources like paramedic services, social services, community housing and early years services. Visit kdsb.on.ca for full details.

For a glance at our history click here.

Contact Us

[email protected]

P.O.Box 1245 Keewatin Post Office, Kenora Ontario, P0X 1C0